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Hi, this is Vicky!

As an Advertising and Marketing professional, I believe the value of communication is far more than meets the eye. Whether verbal, non-verbal, written, or visual, it has the ability to connect, sell, influence and even become unforgettable!

I’ve spent 5+ years creating graphic designs, developing everything from business cards and storefronts to defining and marketing corporate brands/identities. I also find passion planning business events and connecting people in a variety of ways. Being extensively experienced in strategic development, I create elaborate marketing schemes to boost sales and also establish a company's identity to further their brand in the market. Collaborating with the sales team, we strategize campaigns to improve engagement and increase revenue.

Through my experiences, I have gained a vast knowledge in advertising, digital marketing, social media influence, and strategic and creative event planning. I also have experienced living abroad for three years, developing an exceptional grasp of the English language

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